Account Alerts

Personal & Business Account Alerts Set-up account alerts within your online banking platform & mobile app

Get informed of your account's activities securely and in real time.

Personal & Business Account Alerts


Manage your online accounts with greater control and expanded security. Our comprehensive alerts1 integrates with online and mobile banking, ensuring you stay informed. Choose from instant delivery options, including email, text messages1, voice notifications, push alerts, or secure messages within the online banking platform or mobile app.

Alert Category Options

Security Alerts

Get alerts if someone changes your information or is trying to get access to your online banking.

Activity Alerts

Get alerts if you have a low or high balance from your debit or credit transactions. Low balance alerts can help you avoid overdrafts or maintain balances. High balance alerts can help you identify when you want to transfer or invest money.

Account Alerts

Get alerts when deposits, checks or withdrawals are posted to your account.


Online Transaction Alerts

Get alerts when incoming or outgoing transfers are posted to your account. Also, get alerts for reordering checks, changing addresses, or stopping payments.

Additional Alerts

Looking for a more customized alert? Personalize them to meet your needs!

Setting Up and Managing Alerts is Easy!

You can create, edit, enable and disable real-time alerts within your online banking platform & mobile app.

Online Banking Alert Set-Up

1. log in to your online banking account.

2. Go to Settings > Alert Settings. Here, you can manage all your alert categories and options. You can also manage your alerts under QUICK LINKS and click on MANAGE ALERTS.

3. To add a new alert, click on New Alert in the top right corner.

Mobile App Alert Set-Up

1. log in to your mobile app.

2. Go to Menu > Settings > Alert Settings. Here, you can manage all your alert categories and options. You can also manage your alerts under QUICK LINKS and click on MANAGE ALERTS.

3. To add a new alert, click on New Alert in the top right corner.

Alert Management FAQs

Why didn’t I receive an alert message when I know I should have?

Our system delivers alerts when an event is triggered by specific account information you entered during your Alert setup. Either your transaction did not meet the specific event requirements, the phone number or email address entered was incorrect, or there was an issue with the message delivery. For help troubleshooting message delivery issues, please get in touch with us toll-free at (855) 614-4061. We're available Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM, and Saturday, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM CST.

Does the alert contain account information?

For security purposes, only the last four digits of your account numbers will be displayed in alerts.

What if I change my phone number or my email address, will I still receive my alerts?

To continue receiving your alerts, you will need to update your contact information by going to Menu > Settings > Alert Delivery Preferences.

I want the alerts to go both by text and by email, can I do this?

You can checkmark more than one way to deliver within setup delivery.

How many Alerts am I allowed to sign up for?

You can sign up for any number of account alerts. However, multiple alerts on specific accounts may become challenging to manage and could trigger numerous notifications for each transaction.

Will my Alerts ever expire?

Alerts remain active if you have an active online or mobile banking account. Alerts do not expire unless your online or mobile banking account does. If you don't log into the account, your online banking and mobile app access expires after one year. If you contact us to make your online or mobile banking active again, you must set up new alerts.

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Reach out to us today! Your questions, inquiries, concerns and feedback are important to us, and we're here to listen and assist you however we can.

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