Savings & CDs

Savings & CDs Compare Savings Accounts

Opening a savings account provides financial security and peace of mind for your future.

Savings & CDs


In order to prosper tomorrow, you have to prepare today. That’s why we offer clients an extensive catalog of competitive savings options like CDs and more.

Savings Account Comparison*

Savings account comparison table
  Statement Savings Prestige Money Market Savings Children’s Savings Health Savings Account Certificates of Deposit2
Description A basic plan for fast growth and easy access to funds. For individuals with
higher deposit balances;
offers higher interest rates while maintaining the same level of convenience For individuals with
higher deposit balances;
offers higher interest rates while maintaining the same level of convenience Cover qualified medical expenses for individuals enrolled in a High Deductible Health Plan; consists of non-taxed funds contributed from clients' paychecks

CDs earn a higher return than standard savings accounts; they are a stable and safe investment without the worries associated with riskier investment strategies

Minimum Opening Deposits $100 $2,500 $25 $0 $2,000
Interest Compounding and Crediting Frequency Quarterly Monthly Quarterly Monthly

Quarterly & At Maturity

If the term is less than 12 months = At Maturity

If the term is 12 months or greater = Quarterly

Withdrawal Fees 6 free withdrawals allowed per quarter, $1.00 per debit fee for each debit transaction in excess of six (6) per quarter 6 free withdrawals allowed per month, $5.00 per debit transaction in excess of six (6) per month 6 free withdrawals allowed per quarter, $1.00 per debit fee for each debit transaction in excess of six (6) per quarter No limit Penalty may apply for early withdrawal, and fees could reduce earnings
Service Charge - Minimum Balance Requirements1 You must maintain a minimum daily balance1 of $100 in your account to avoid a $10 quarterly Service Charge You must maintain a minimum daily balance1 of $2,500 in your account to avoid a $15 monthly Service Charge No Service Charge You must maintain a minimum daily balanceof $3,000 in your account to avoid a $1.75 monthly Service Charge
Additional Fees Initial Account Set-up Fee: $25.00. Distribution of Excess Contribution Fee: $20.00. Closing Fee: $25.00

Fixed interest rate and fixed term

Monthly and yearly term options

Renewal options

1Minimum Daily Balance is the lowest balance in your account on any day of the statement cycle.

2Certificates of deposit (CDs) interest rates and Annual Percentage Yields (APYs) are subject to change at maturity. CDs have a 10 calendar-day grace period before auto-renewing.

*We also offer Individual Retirement Arrangements (IRAs) (also known as Individual Retirement Accounts) at competitive rates and terms. Contact a Personal Banker today for terms and conditions.

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