ACH Rules

ACH Rules Helpful Resources For Your Business

ACH Rules


Please review the resources below and reach out with any questions.

Treasury Operations Support

(402) 452-3590 or (877) 686-3590

ACH Operations Desk

Steven Garcia, AAP | (402) 221-0141

ACH Processing Schedule

ACH Cut-off Time

Monday - Friday, 4:45 PM, CST

Same-Day ACH File

The first cut off time for same-day ACH Files is 9 AM, with a final same-day cut off time of 1:15 PM.

2025 Federal Reserve Holiday Schedule

New Year’s Day

Wednesday, Jan. 1, 2025

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Monday, Jan. 20, 2025

Presidents’ Day

Monday, Feb. 17, 2025

Memorial Day

Monday, May 26, 2025


Thursday, June 19, 2025

Independence Day

Friday, July 4, 2025

Labor Day

Monday, Sept. 1, 2025

Columbus Day

Monday, Oct. 13, 2025

Veterans Day

Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2025


Thursday, Nov. 27, 2025

Christmas Eve

Wednesday, Dec. 24, 2025
*closing early at 2 P.M.


Thursday, Dec. 25, 2025


I am getting a warning message that I exceeded my daily limit, what do I need to do?

Please contact Treasury Support for assistance to temporarily raise your approved daily limit.

How do I stop a transaction from processing that I have submitted?

To stop your ACH transaction, please call Treasury Support as soon as you realize you need to cancel it. We may or may not be able to stop the transaction from processing. If it is after hours, please leave a voice message, and we will get back to you the next business day.

I want to reverse an entry I recently submitted, what do I need to do?

  • If a transaction or file originated in error, it is possible to originate a reversing entry. The following guidelines must be followed when submitting reversing entries:
    • Transmit the file within 24 hours of discovering the error or initiate the reversing file within five (5) banking days from the settlement date of the original entry.
    • Place the word “REVERSAL” in the Company Entry Description field.
    • Initiate a correcting file with the reversing entry unless other means of payment have been made.
    • The reversing entry must be the same dollar amount as the original entry.
  • Additional Considerations for reversing entries:
    • The Receiving bank is not obligated to honor a reversing entry.
    • You must make a reasonable attempt to notify the Receiver of the reason for the reversing entry before the settlement day of the reversing entry.

What do I do if an entry I originated is returned?

  • For insufficient or uncollected funds return entries, the entry can only be reinitiated two additional times following the return of the original item. For items returned as stop payment, you must obtain a new authorization from the receiver to reinitiate the transaction.
  • Additional Considerations for reinitiating entries:
    • NACHA ACH Rules require that any transaction being reinitiated must contain identical content as the original transaction. To assist with identifying the transaction, the entry description field should be changed to “RETRY PYMT”. The entry description field is located in the NACHA specifications within the file or in the company description field when you open your file in online banking. Keep in mind that when reinitiating a transaction, NACHA Rules only allow reinitiating of transactions that are being returned as R01 (NSF) and R09 (Uncollected). Additionally, an R08 (Stop Payment) may be reinitiated, but only if a new authorization is obtained from the person or company receiving the transaction.
    • NACHA Rules allow that a return fee can be collected for a returned ACH transaction if the fee is disclosed before originating the original transaction. All fees must be originated as a separate transaction from the original or any subsequent transactions. i.e., RETURN FEE must be included in the entry description and the SEC code PPD or a relevant business SEC code must be used. If you decide to collect a return fee, it is recommended to contact us before submitting a return fee transaction for the first time.

Common ACH Rules and Operating Guidelines


A valid authorization must be obtained before transmitting an electronic entry to a receiver (customer, employee, etc.), and a copy of the authorization kept on file for two years from the termination or revocation of the authorization.

Unauthorized Returns

Any entry returned as R07-Authorization Revoked, R08-Stop Pay, R10-Customer Advises Not Authorized, or R29-Unauthorized Corporate, may only be reinitiated if the Originator has received appropriate authorization from the Receiver to reinitiate the payment.

Notification of Changes

You have six banking days, or prior to initiating the next entry, to correct Notification of Change (NOC) entries and Returns. Substantial penalties and revocation of ACH Origination privileges can apply for non-compliance.


If pre-notifications are originated prior to sending the live monetary transaction, the monetary transaction may be initiated as soon as the third banking day following the settlement date of the prenotification Entry.

Returned Pre-note

A returned pre-note transaction from a receiving financial institution must not be sent for processing until the information has been re-verified with the receiver. An updated authorization form must be acquired before processing.

Micro Entries

  • A credit or debit Entry used for the purpose of verifying a Receiver’s account or an individual’s access to an account.
    • Credit Micro-Entries must be in an amount of less than $1.00.
    • The total dollar amount of the debits and credits for the entries must offset when posted to the Receiver’s account.
    • Micro-entries will require the use of “ACCTVERIFY” in the Company Entry Description field.
    • Micro-entry offsets must post on the same effective entry date to a Receiver’s account.
    • After verifying receipt of Micro-Entries the Originator may then initiate a live entry.
    • An Originator may not originate a future entry at the same time with Micro-Entries.
    • Originators will be required to utilize commercially reasonable fraud detection on its use of Micro-Entries, including monitoring of forward and return volumes for Micro-Entries.

ACH Transaction Types

  • PPD – Can be either credit or debit entries and represent either single or recurring payments. PPD transactions are more widely known as Direct Deposit and Direct Payment. The Direct Deposit application provides the ability to disburse funds to consumer accounts. The Direct Payment application provides the ability to collect funds from consumer accounts. This is the best application for payroll.
  • CCD – This application provides a way for companies to receive cash rapidly, manage funds and control cash disbursements. Companies that operate several branches or sales outlets may consolidate funds quickly and eliminate the difficulties associated with transferring funds to a central corporate account. The CCD application can also be used to transfer funds among corporate entities in payment of goods or services and can support a limited amount of payment-related data (invoice number, discounts taken, purchase order number, etc.) with the funds transfer.
  • CTX – This application provides the ability to collect and disburse funds and information between companies. Generally, it is used by businesses paying one another for goods or services. These payments replace checks with an electronic process of debiting and crediting invoices between the financial institutions of participating companies.

Dating Your File

The effective entry date is the day the transaction is posted to the receiver’s account. Typically, files are dated the next business day for debits or two business days for credits. ACH files may be sent up to 30 days prior to the effective entry date.

Same Day Transactions

For transactions that qualify as same-day transactions, click the checkbox for Same Day. The Effective entry date will change to the soonest date the file can be processed. Please note: SNB Treasury Operations must be notified to process a same-day transaction. Contact us for additional information on submitting same-day transactions.

ACH Security Framework

  • NACHA Rules state that an Originator must establish, implement, and update, as appropriate, policies, procedures, and systems with respect to the initiation, processing and storage of Entries that are designed to:
    • Protect the confidentiality and integrity of Protected Information* until destruction.
    • Protect against anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of Protected Information until its destruction.
    • Protect against unauthorized use of Protected Information that could result in substantial harm to a natural person.

Policies, procedures, and systems must include controls that comply with applicable regulatory guidelines on access to all systems used by such non-consumer Originators, Participating DFIs, or Third-Party Service Providers [and Third-Party Senders] to initiate, process and store Entries.

*The non-public personal information, including financial information, of a natural person used to create, or contained within, an Entry and any related Addenda Record.

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